Is coffee bad for you?

The pros and cons you should be aware of...

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Is coffee good for you? Is coffee bad for you? Well, it really depends on who you are talking to, but most would say its good for you. Probably because they are addicted to it as well!

This article from The New York Times covers everything about it from what is a coffee bean to how much should be consumed!

Here is a couple of points that stick out: 👇

  • Moderate coffee consumption (3-5 cups per day) is associated with health benefits like lower risk of mortality, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and liver conditions. However, causation has not been established

  • How coffee is prepared impacts its nutritional compounds and cholesterol effects. Filtered coffee is healthiest. Avoid boiled/unfiltered coffee which raises bad cholesterol

  • Caffeine content varies widely by coffee type. Espresso is highest. Decaf has some caffeine too. People's caffeine sensitivity differs genetically

  • Coffee can be addictive due to withdrawal symptoms from caffeine. Pregnant women should limit caffeine. High doses of caffeine can be dangerous

  • Coffee has over 1,000 chemical compounds, including antioxidants. Adding sugar/cream may negate some benefits but impact is unclear. Sweet coffee drinks are very high in sugar which is a health concern

Evidence suggests there can be a reliance on the drink, and tolerance builds over time. Withdrawal symptoms include a headache, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and depressed mood

Dawn MacKeen

Parker’s Breakdown: Coffee ☕️

I think every coffee drinker has been there. Where you first start drinking coffee, you love the effects of caffeine, so you just keep downing coffee.

You are wired, jittery, alert, and maybe a little anxious as you down that last coffee you didn’t need! But is this a bad thing for your health?

Don’t worry! Overall, the research shows that coffee doesn’t have too many cons and there are actually some great pros when it comes to health! 🤜

So for the quick breakdown on how it works. Well, coffee is obviously loaded with caffeine. Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant, that blocks a chemical called “Adenosine”, a chemical that tells your brain and nervous system it’s time to relax and go to sleep. As for the body, caffeine increases your cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline and makes your heart pump faster. (This spike in cortisol is what makes some people feel anxious when they have a lot of caffeine).

The Pros of Coffee: 👍

  • Associated with lower risk of early death and conditions like heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease

  • Contains antioxidants and other beneficial compounds

  • May boost mood, focus, energy levels

  • Most research suggests overall net health benefit if consumed in moderation

The Cons of Coffee: 👎

  • Potential for overconsumption, addiction/dependence on caffeine

  • Can cause jitteriness, anxiety if too much consumed

  • Unfiltered/boiled coffee raises bad cholesterol

  • Unknown if adding cream/sugar negates benefits

  • Safety in pregnancy unclear, caffeine passes to baby

  • Can exacerbate conditions like acid reflux or anxiety disorders

  • Very high caffeine doses can be dangerous

  • People with certain genetic variants metabolize it slowly

  • Withdrawal symptoms if intake stopped abruptly

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