Should you be on Creatine?

How it works...

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🚨Men’s Must Read Article🚨

It seems like everyone in the fitness community is telling us to take creatine?

But should you be? Is it safe to take long term? What are the pros and cons?

Well this article by is an extremely in depth dive into creatine and what it is all about! Here are some main points: 👇👇

  • What is creatine and how it works?

  • Enhances muscle energy & performance

  • Increases muscle mass & strength

  • Recommended Dosage

  • Possible side effects

Creatine is a leading supplement used for improving athletic performance. It may help boost muscle mass, strength, and exercise efficiency. It may also reduce blood sugar and improve brain function, but more research is needed in these areas to verify these benefits

Rudy Mawer

Parker’s Breakdown: Creatine 💪

Do you want your muscles to look bigger and fuller?

Do you want to be stronger in the gym? Or do you want enhanced cognitive ability? 🧠 

Well creatine may just be the supplement for you! 👍

Creatine is a naturally occuring compound in our body. Our bodies make this with our liver, kidney’s, and pancreas. Creatine is also found in foods like red meat. All this wonderful compound does is create ATP when we put our body under heavy stress. Basically, helps your body produce energy in a hard lifting or running session.

Creatine can help with muscle recovery, improve muscle strength and size and performance, and help reduce the risk of injury. So if you are a person that can stick to taking this everyday (which is really important because it has to build in your system and maintain its levels) and you go hard, consistently in the gym, then I would recommend you take this. If you do start taking creatine, make sure you are drinking enough water in your day because it can dehydrate you! 💧 

Research has shown there are no side effects to supplementing with creatine but people have said they can feel a little bloated. If you start taking creatine you will notice a slight weight gain but that is only because your muscles pull in a little water, hence the reason they look fuller, so all that means is that you will have a little extra water weight!

Now remember, this is only a supplement. I like to think of supplements as the little cherry on top. Taking this will not make up for a crappy diet, poor sleep, and a lack of intensity and a lack of consistency in the gym. I would only recommend you start taking this if you can check all those boxes above!

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Fitness trivia ❓

What is the recommended dosage for creatine? 🏋️‍♀️

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